Oculus has been in news since for quite some time now. Firstly, it was in news over the creation of its VR headset, then it made headlines after being acquired by Facebook and then it was again the news writers favourite after hiring big names. And now according to latest reports, Oculus is collaborating with Samsung to develop another VR …
Oculus VR Hires Former 343 Industries Art Director
Oculus VR has been continuing its hiring trend, with everyday a new piece of news coming in every 3rd-4th day regarding the same. And now here’s some more: former 343 industries art director Kenneth Scott has joined in Oculus VR. He has also been a part of ID software. With big names joining in Oculus VR, it has become quite …
Microsoft And Oculus To Be A Part Of PAX East
PAX East is going to witness many big names arriving in Boston on April 11-13, from Microsoft to Oculus to Ubisoft to square Enix. A lot of crowd is expected to be attracted at the event. Side Questing stumbled on the total list of exhibitors, so go through it and plan what you’ll spend the PAX weekend looking for. Neogaf …
Former EA Vice President Joins As Worldwide Publishing Head At Oculus VR
Former EA Senior Vice President David DeMartini has joined Oculus VR as head of worldwide publication, the newly-formed branch of the Oculus Rift manufacturer that aims to assist developers produce games that are compatible with the company’s receiver. In a statement to Gamasutra, DeMartini delineated the position as “not significantly different from what I did for seven years” as a …
Valve’s Free Source SDK Is Updated With New Features
Valve’s free source SDK has been updated with a bunch of new features, something all the developers would be interested in. There has been a change in the headline for the version of this year. The SDK source has native Linux, Oculus and Mac added on to it. It also allows the users to have an easy development of cross …