Nintendo Updates Club Nintendo Digital Rewards for February

Nintendo has updated their Club Nintendo digital rewards for the month of February, and on the 3DS side, you will be getting Donkey Kong Jr. (150 Coins) and Pictobits (150 Coins). In the Wii and Wii U arena, there is Punch Out!! (200 Coins), and Super Mario RPG (200 Coins). I need to fret this — though Super Mario RPG is listed as “Wii U,” it doesn’t really run on the native Wii U interface. It will solely be employed …

Earthbound Story Should Not Get Published, Says Nintendo

Earthbound is one of Nintendo’s most beloved game and also the most loved cult classic. Referred to as Mother 2 in Japan, the franchise’s loan release in North America continues to be extremely regarded for its distinctive setting and characters, and, above all, one of the genre’s most revered localisations. For Marcus Lindblom, the game’s localizer, it’s become another successful game in his long career in the trade. Fuelled by last year’s virtual console release on Wii U, the game has seen a revival …

Nintendo Is Now To Involve In Smart Devices

After the news came that Nintendo in on the third consecutive annual loss, the company is has now decided to restructure the business. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, stated in the press conference that the company is now considering to involve smart devices, according to the reports of Bloomberg. The company scaled back its expectations for its 3DS portable game console …

Nintendo Planning Upon New Business Structure

With Nintendo having to slash its forecasts following weak Wii U sales, now comes a report stating about the contemplation of new business methods by the company. There won’t be any definitive changes within the company’s direction according to its President. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata admitted at a news conference today in Osaka, Japan that the corporate is “thinking of …

Nintendo Staff Is Quite Unfamiliar With The Console Market, Feels An Anonymous Developer

An anonymous developer discussed about the genesis of the Wii U and described its developers Nintendo as an unfamiliar corp. with console networks. This anonymous source initially described the process of working with Nintendo to develop a third-party title before revealing about Wii U’s hardware. There are strong criticisms shown by the developer regarding the Wii U’s architecture and most …