Nintendo Updates Club Nintendo Digital Rewards for February

Nintendo has updated their Club Nintendo digital rewards for the month of February, and on the 3DS side, you will be getting Donkey Kong Jr. (150 Coins) and Pictobits (150 Coins). In the Wii and Wii U arena, there is Punch Out!! (200 Coins), and Super Mario RPG (200 Coins). I need to fret this — though Super Mario RPG is listed as “Wii U,” it doesn’t really run on the native Wii U interface. It will solely be employed …

Samsung’s Much-Awaited GamePad And Mobile Console Out Now

Samsung has finally launched the much awaited and long-rumoured GamePad and Mobile Console app for its famous Galaxy range of Android smartphones. According to reports, the GamePad connects through Bluetooth. It has two analog sticks, a D-pad, four face buttons, two triggers and three function buttons. The device is best suited for Android 4.3 and above, but will work with …