After the news came that Nintendo in on the third consecutive annual loss, the company is has now decided to restructure the business. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, stated in the press conference that the company is now considering to involve smart devices, according to the reports of Bloomberg.
The company scaled back its expectations for its 3DS portable game console from 18 million units to 13.5 million.
“We are thinking about a new business structure,” Iwata said at a press conference yesterday in Osaka, Japan. “Given the expansion of smart devices, we are naturally studying how smart devices can be used to grow the game-player business. It’s not as simple as enabling Mario to move on a smartphone.
These gaming consoles also face a tough competitions from mobile platforms, as the recent stats shows that consumers are spending on games for iOS and Android rose to 4x. In 2010, Iwata reported to his senior executive, to regard these devices as as “the enemy of the future.”