Facebook Is Losing Its Coolness With Teens

No more addiction related to Facebook is being noticed nowadays among youth, and company is losing its grip on the hearts and minds of the teens. It was a prediction which was made earlier and was also denied by CEO Mark Zuckerberg this summer. “We did see a decrease in daily users, specifically among younger teens,” Facebook CFO David Ebersman …

Zuckerberg On The Failure Of The Facebook Home App

“Home is slower rolling out than I would have hoped,” admitted Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, in response to the current success status of the Facebook Home Android app which was launched six months ago. He further added by stating that, “One of the toughest things is determining when something isn’t going to work versus just hasn’t worked yet.”, thus hoping …

Facebook To Rectify Whitehat Program, After Bug Reports On Zuckerberg’s Wall

After a frustrated researcher posted details about a vulnerable activity on CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s profile page; Facebook promises to rectify the processes behind its Whitehat program for reporting bugs. Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan claims that the company aims to improvise its email messaging to make clear, the required validity for a bug, and also update its whitehat program pages …

Demonstration Of Real Bug Activity

Khalil Shreateh, a resident of Palestine has demonstrated a real bug activity on Mark Zukerberg’s timeline. “A lot of people report bugs daily and half the time their English isn’t good enough for us to understand properly, yet we take up that issue and take necessary actions”, says software engineer Matt Jones Khalil who submitted a report and decided to …