Sony Released Four Gamescom Demo Videos

Sony has released four direct-feed gameplay videos of PlayStation 4 launch title DriveClub,from the alpha build showcased at gamescom 2013 and all the videos are in 1080p. The videos shows off the game’s lighting nicely and the demo includes four cars, and all are seen taking on the same challenge in Canada at different times of the day. In order, …

Microsoft Makes Kinect Integral Part Of Xbox One

Microsoft made another change in its Xbox One policies for matching up with PS 4, recently it was announced that every Xbox One include a Kinect. Kinect won’t be available as a separate buy. This news was revealed by Phil Harrison at ongoing Gamescom. Making Kinect integral part of Xbox One is a good move as it would give developers …

Xbox One Could Come With Third Party Games Out Of Box

The launch of Xbox One is near, and the leaks show that the console will carry a bundled major third-party title which will be free in Europe and in most of the other areas, more details are expected at Gamescom. This step has been taken to justify the extra $100 which users will need to pay more than upcoming PS4. …