Android is now coming up with a new console. The console of Android is on the way of evolving as a technological advancement. It’s time for the users to experience a model that is new in current times. The reason for this new innovation is that, the company has always kept itself updated. The advice and feedback received from the …
DICE Executive Producer Surprised By Battlefield 4 Popularity, Thinks It’s Sci-Fi’s Turn Now
DICE Executive Producer Patrick Bach is surprised by Battlefield 4’s popularity at the E3. According to him, military shooters are not over-saturated any longer, and now it’s Sci-Fi’s turn to shine. In a discussion with IGN, Bach said, “Is it (over-saturated)? Today? Really? There are not that many (military shooters) out there, to be honest. A couple years ago, I …
EA Denies Any Attempt Of Posing A Restriction Made By Sony And Microsoft On The Next-Gen Consoles
Peter Moore, the COO of Electronic Arts has said that the company has not made any attempt to force Sony and Microsoft. To be more elaborate, it did not force the company to pose any restriction in the games of the console of the games of the next generation. EA has not hold for the lobby of the platform holders …
Predicted Analysis Speaks Of The PS4 Launch Price Below $400
As per the prediction of an industry analyst, it has been known that Sony’s PS4 launch price will be below $400. He further commented that the Xbox One is still expensive in comparison to the PlayStation 4. The industry analyst, Arvind Bhatia is of the opinion that Sony has learned a lot from his previous mistake where PlayStation 3 was …
Live E3 Webcast Hosting By Sony In The E3 Press Conference
The current news reveal about the grand hosting of E3 webcast by Sony in the upcoming conference meeting of E3 on Monday, June 10. The show starting time has been fixed at 1:30am UK time and 5:30pm Pacific time. Sony gladly announced this upcoming PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference via EU and US PS Blogs. It has also been known …