Metro Redux To Be Full HD On PS4

Metro Redux is going to run at full HD on PS4 and 900p on Xbox One, brand manager of Deep Silver Huw Beynon has confirmed. Beynon also revealed that both the versions will run at 60 frames per second and said that the full HD on PS4 is going to be a really special one. Both games will feature immensely …

PS4 And Xbox One Consumers Shed Out More Money For Electricity Than Others

According to a survey by the National Resources Deference Council (NRDC) on the power consumption of consoles, Nintendo’s Wii U performed better than PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Both PS4 and Xbox One showed double the energy consumption compared to their previous versions, PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively. The report also tabulated that in standby mode, 40% of electricity ($400 …

PS4 Sales Surges Ahead of Xbox One Sales

PlayStation 4 has been continuing its success story at the US retail, after showing another jump ahead of Xbox One in a fourth consecutive month. The NPD earlier today had announced that for a 4th month in a row, PS4 was the best-selling console hardware at the US retail during April. Although specific figures are not known, but PS4 has …