The company which analyzes the sports news on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, named SportStream is been acquired by Facebook. The company basically sells data to the other media sites or news sites so that its easy to manupulate and analyse or simply track what people think and use them on their websites. SportStream was founded in …
Learn Coding With Codeacademy Now On An iPhone app
The code learner will never get more than this, as now you don’t need to go outside to learn coding because codeacademy is going to launch new Hour of Code iOS app. It is all about learning code faster without having much difficulty because of its criteria which gives the idea to craete complex codes, including full applications and games. …
Snapchat Asked Court To Gag Order Against Ousted Founder, Reggie Brown
Snapchat has requested a temporary gag order from federal court against ousted founder Reggie Brown, who claims he came up with the idea for the “disappearing messages” app while attending college with co-founders Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy. Reggie is currently suing both co-founders, as he claims that he was pushed out of stake and, Spiegel and Murphy made company …
Snapchat Managed To Get Emily White Away From Facebook
Snapchat’s growth has not only astounded the general public, bit has also impressed Emily White. She was the executive who was in charge of Facebook’s Instagram advertising. She is leaving the company to become the COO of Snapchat. “It happened too fast. To have a real COO role in one of many companies which is not doing any favour to …
Apple Buys Topsy For $200 Million
Social analytics, Topsy has been purchased by Apple for more than $200 million. According to its website, Topsy is a search and analytics company which partners with Twitter retain old Tweets, dating back to 2006. With Topsy’s analytic tools, companies would be able to analyze keywords in several different categories such as activity, geography, exposure or general public sentiment. The …