Well, if you had been waiting for a classically-styled, thrilling adventure on your iPad, then it you’ll be quite pleased to know that Double Fine’s Broken Age is now available on Apple’s urbane tablet. Broken Age is an off-kilter adventure, which is action packed with a dose of humour. The humour is a mixture of obscenely clever and gleefully childish …
Apple brings in new Tools and Gizmos
Apple has unveiled tools for tracking health and controlling household appliances, in a way it has linked its gizmos with healthcare. It also has brought a new OS for its Mac computers, called as OS X Yosemite. The company has brought in HealthKit, which works with a new built-in app on the iOS 8 that will help in storing data …
iPhone 6 Needs To Be Great To Overtake Android
This year Apple will be coming out with its iPhone 6, probably by the fall of this year. But, one thing needs to be assured of and that thing is that the iPhone 6 needs to be really something special sort to match the level of Android. The pace with which the Android OS is overtaking the smartphone world, Apple …
Apple Beats Deal Completed
The deal between Apple and headphone-maker Beats got finalised and completed yesterday for around $3 billion. Many people had questioned as of why had Apple entered into this venture. And now the iPhone maker has said that it did this deal for three reasons: The number of new releases on iTunes this year has fallen and is the smallest ever. …
Top Sellers: Apple, Samsung Smartphone Top Sellers In US
The feature phone thing is not entirely dead in the United States but its likely getting there, according to market analyst and researcher Counterpoint. The analysis firm revealed its Market Monitor quarterly tracker report Thursday, giving up the news that smartphones accounted for more than 87 % of all phone shipments within the U.S. by the end of the first …