Broken Age All Set For An iPad Arrival

Well, if you had been waiting for a classically-styled, thrilling adventure on your iPad, then it you’ll be quite pleased to know that Double Fine’s Broken Age is now available on Apple’s urbane tablet. Broken Age is an off-kilter adventure, which is action packed with a dose of humour. The humour is a mixture of obscenely clever and gleefully childish …

Apple brings in new Tools and Gizmos

Apple has unveiled tools for tracking health and controlling household appliances, in a way it has linked its gizmos with healthcare. It also has brought a new OS for its Mac computers, called as OS X Yosemite. The company has brought in HealthKit, which works with a new built-in app on the iOS 8 that will help in storing data …

Apple Beats Deal Completed

The deal between Apple and headphone-maker Beats got finalised and completed yesterday for around $3 billion. Many people had questioned as of why had Apple entered into this venture. And now the iPhone maker has said that it did this deal for three reasons:  The number of new releases on iTunes this year has fallen and is the smallest ever. …