Title Puzzle For Transformers 4

A few domain names have been registered which could possibly be the title for Micheal Bay’s untitled Transformers sequel. This was done the same brand protection agency which had registered TransformersDarkoftheMoon.com. On the official website of the Transformers 4 official website, the registered names are: Transformers: Last Stand Transformers: Apocalypse Transformers: Future Cast. More information on this is expected to …

Dinobots Maybe Involved In Transformers 4

Dinobots might actually be involved in Transformers 4, after all! There were talks around the filming and production of Transformers 4 that Dinobots may be a part of this installment. The filming is believed to be in McCormick Place, in Chicago. Dinobots in a robot form might actually take some time. Jack Reynor, Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Han Geng, Nicola …