Precursor Games To Relaunch Shadow of the Eternals Crowd – Funding Campaign On July, 25

Precursor Games has faced a lot of controversial issues; like Denis Dyack’s inclusion in the team and child pornography charges against co-founder Ken McCulloch. Taking a breather from all these, Precursor Games has announced that it will be restarting its crowd-funding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals on July 25th. This campaign will include the one created on Kickstarter and …

Kickstarter Launched By Shadow Of The Eternals Due To “Overwhelming Popular Demand”

The developers over at Precursor Games have actually launched a Kickstarter, as part of their crowdfunding scheme for Shadow of the Eternals, due to “overwhelming popular demand,” as claimed by them. The Shadow of the Eternals gameplay was revealed a few days back. Before this Kickstarter was launched, the developers accepted donations only through the game’s official page. The ones …