Microsoft Powered Up With Bing Voice Search

Microsoft’s answer to Siri, a Bing-powered voice search having Halo’s Cortana’s voice (its character player’s voice). A blog reported that an app referred to as Cortana will arrive on Lumia phones in April, initially as a beta for developers only. According to this blog, the search app will be voiced by Jen Taylor, the actor who plays Cortana in Halo, …

Bing And Twitter, Together With A Partenership

In the partnership between Microsoft and Twitter, Bing search engine will display index tweets as search results. The official announce came on Friday, but it comes at no surprise since Bing has been in on this practice for some time now, featuring tweets in Bing for the past few years. Microsoft explained its all scheming behind this partnership through the …

In China’s Search Market, Baidu Still At the Top With 63% Share

According to the newest report from CNZZ, Baidu continued to dominate the share of country’s search engine market. In August, its share dipped by 1.10% while chief rival Qihoo continued to inch upwards, chalking up 18.23 percent, up nearly one percent on its July figures. Sohu’s Sogou and Tencent’s Soso search engines maintained Third and fourth rank completing a $448 …

The New Designs And Improvement Of Bing Revealed

There is a new logo design and user interface in the market designed by Microsoft, it seeks to position the search engine as a developer platform. The new logo was meant to be simple, real and direct using a version of Microsoft’s corporate font Segoe. Now you can experience Bing as part of Microsoft, as the entire logo is now …

Microsoft Updates Bing Autosuggest To Include More

Microsoft announced that it is expanding its Bing Autosuggest feature to inhabit more than just humans. The search engine will now suggest brands, places, movies, animals, albums, software, sport teams, and much more. When first launched, in May, Bing let users find the person they were looking for directly within the search box, with a public profile. Now it has taken …