Coca-Cola’s new advertisement with “America the Beautiful” sung in numerous languages. Many of its drawbacks have been neglected and forgotten, but its harmless pandering to the idea that America is a polyglot nation is not on the take it easy list, except to dumb, intolerant people who were annoyed and mad about non-English languages being used in combination with America. …
Global Mobile Ad Revenue Sees A Rise Of 83% In 2012, Reports IAB
Though, smartphone growth may be slowing down in some markets, the services that thrive on these devices continue to grow, raising even the growth of mobile advertising. The global mobile ad revenue for 2012 is calculated to be $8.9 billion, seeing a rise of nearly 83% on 2011′s revenues of $5.3 billion, according to the figures published by the IAB …
Google’s Territory Threatened By Facebook?
As predicted by Spruce Media, one of Facebook’s major ad-buying clients, that Facebook will, in the near future, be locked in a virtual power struggle with Google over advertising on the wider web. This struggle could very well shake up the current display ad world to its core, according to ‘The State of Facebook Advertising’, the Q4 report by Spruce, …