RunScape 3 Is Now In Ground

Finally the RuneScape 3 has launched. It is the HTML5 version of MMORPG. The latest version has new 3D graphics in its browsers. The game, RuneScape 3, is accessed in five languages and it is used around 190 countries. Jagex is making RuneScape 3, a hit by making it portable with tablet and smartTV versions. It is also hoisting a …

Invites Start For The Elder Scrolls Online

Zenimax Online has started sending out beta invites for The Elder Scrolls Online. The PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One MMORPG versions are expected to be released in 2014. Bethesda boss Pete Hines believes that company could rake in more margins and volumes by going cross platform for their latest release, and it’s also more convenient when it comes to …