Call of Duty: Ghosts’ DLC May Get A Free Trial

Call of Duty: Ghosts seems to be getting a free demo and a trial weekend for its first DLC pack Onslaught, according to leaked documents shared via a PasteBin entry with IGN last night. This stuff suggests that the DLC is going to be free-to-try this weekend. It states in that a free multiplayer demo will be coming on March 7, and is claimed to incorporate team death match and domination modes across maps Prison Break, Strike Zone …

Ryse: Son Of Rome To Get A New DLC

Ryse: Son of Rome players is going to be getting a new DLC, “Mars’ Chosen Pack,” on February 28, in keeping with the announcement made in a Microsoft press release. The Mars mentioned in here is most likely the Roman god, going by the game’s ideology. The pack will contain a new, two-player co-op Survival mode, four new maps, one re-worked map and a skin. It’ll be preceded by ten days of sales. The first …

Batman: Arkham Origins’ DLC More Important than the Bug Fixes for the Game’s Team

The Batman: Arkham Origins support page is filled with annoyed players after community manager Mercury wrote that the Origins development team would be working on finishing story DLC rather than fixing the game’s numerous, game-breaking issues and bugs. “The team is currently operating hard on the upcoming story DLC and currently there are not any plans for releasing another patch to handle the problems that are reported on the forums,” he wrote on the page. Unfortunately, it isn’t the first bad news for the Bat franchise fans: Those who had purchased Arkham …

Batman: Arkham Origins DLC Not To Release on Wii U

Batman: Arkham Origins DLC will not be releasing on Wii U, according to a Warner. Bros report. “Based on demand for DLC content on the system, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has made the decision to take off its offering of the upcoming all-new story campaign DLC for Wii U,” a representative for Warner. Bros told a website. Nintendo is offering …

Last of Us: Left Behind‘s Upcoming DLC’s New Videos Released

The PlayStation blog showed in two videos in promotion of the upcoming DLC, The Last of Us: Left Behind, and it looks really enjoyable. The first video is the opening medium of the game, showing Ellie and a clearly younger Riley at the military camp where they met. The second video is like a behind-the-scenes video with the voice actors of Ellie and Riley. Hope the DLC will be as interesting as the videos look and will really add …