Amazon Buys Double Helix Games

Online retailer and distributor Amazon has bought in Killer Instinct developer Double Helix Games. The acquisition includes both the development studio as a whole and all of the intellectual properties closely-held, although terms of the deal beyond that are non-existent. Amazon took its first steps into game creation when it founded Amazon Game Studios in 2012. Double Helix, an independent studio came into existence in 2007 through a merger between The Collective and Shiny Entertainment, is located in Irvine, California. The studio these daus is busy finishing up a new strider game for Capcom.

Amazon Accidently Reveals Elder Scrolls Collector’s Edition

It seems like Amazon screwed it up this time. An Amazon user by the name of Char noticed that the dishonoured Game of the Year listing had a picture of The Elder Scrolls collector’s edition instead. The Imperial Edition as it’s known as will embody a collector’s edition box and steel-book packaging, a Molag Bal 12″statue, map of Tamriel, and a 224-page illustrated guide book annotated by the Imperial scholar, Flaccus Terentius. …