The world’s number one seller of smartphones was Samsung in the first quarter of the year. It was leading in revenue and has overtaken the data of Apple from the show of strategic analysis. The first there months of the year showed an eye-candy figure of $23.63 billion as the sale of smartphones of Samsung. This report was provided by Yonhap News which revealed that these figures have also toppled up the leading iPhone maker. The leading maker of iPhone was an occupant of the top spot in the previous quarter.
In comparison with Samsung, Apple has posted a sale of $22.95 million of smartphone in the first quarter. The sales of the company have dipped down with $7.71 billion as that in the previous quarter. However, as compared to apple Samsung has shown a vast drift in the sale of smartphones. It was up by $952 million in the previous quarter. China was in bold in the strategic analysis data with a sale of 12.5 million of smartphones during the first quarter of the year. Yonhap report also said that the solid demand for the smartphones was the result of its high sales.
Samsung Galaxy S4 had reached a channel sale of about 10 millions in the last week. This was within one month from its launch. These great figures of Samsung Galaxy S4 sales made Samsung as one of the fastest growing seller of smartphones. Samsung Galaxy S3 was lagging behind galaxy S4 because it took two months to reach the milestone of 10 million sales. The Strategic analysis data kept Nokia to be in the third position after Samsung and Apple.
Nokia had a achieved the figure of $3.64 billion and LG Electronics followed it with $2.95 billion. In spite of these remarkable sale figures, Apple was leading in operating income earned by the handset makers. The first quarter of the year had occupied a share of 31 percent. For a change, Samsung was second in this with a share of 21.8 percent. It was then followed by LG with 4.1 percent and Sharp with 3 percent.