Few more 3D printers has been introduced by MakerBot on Monday, which includes Replicator Mini, company has made it as a desktop unit for beginners. However, entry-level Replicator mini costs $ 1,375 and has a build volume of 75 cubic inches.
MakerBot is also upto a Replicator desktop 3D printer with a 456-cubic-inch build volume and the Replicator Z18 which is an additive manufacturing box having measurement around 2,592 cubic inches and price tag $6,499.
“This is fifth-generation technology that’s setting the standard for reliability, quality, and connectivity. It’s our fastest and easiest 3D printer to use,” MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis said of the new Replicator printer.
Printers are packed with 3D-printing software and firmware, plus cloud-connecting capabilities. They feature 3.5-inch color LCD screens, so that users can easily analyse the printing job and set up Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections with other systems and devices.
Meanwhile, Replicator 3D printer is in the market and can be purchased, while Replicator Mini and Replicator Z18 will be shipped later this year.