Michael Denny Talks About PS4 Pricing

Michael Denny, vice president at Sony Worldwide Studios’ commented on the PS4 pricing range. He also said that Sony have learnt from their previous mistake being the high pricing of the Sony PS3 and how they probably won’t be making the same mistake.


He said:

I guess the first thing to say is that we listen and learn and take the judgement from every console launch we ever have and we have to be informed by what the strengths of our PlayStation 3 system have been, but also the challenges of that.

We want a system that can reach as broad a gaming audience as possible but whilst being a system that’s deep, connected, rich and immersive and is going to give a very focused and differentiated experience than anything else that’s out there.

The initial announcement phase that we’re in now is just to explain the vision to everybody. Part of that vision is we have created a console absolutely focused on gamers – and we want that to be gamers in the broadest sense as well

I think to some extent I can ask you to draw your own conclusions.

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