The Wall Street Journal Stated that, Google engineers, including former Android Chief Andy Rubin, may testify during the second patent trial between Apple and Samsung.
Samsung will reportedly use the testimonials to prove that it has the right for four out of the five software features it is accused off in the latest Apple vs Samsung lawsuit, as it contends that Google had already been working on the technologies before Apple filed for patents.
Google engineers are said to take the stand in favor of Samsung to refute Apple’s argument T that it forged new ground with the iPhone. Andy Rubin, the former head of Google’s mobile business is listed as a potential witness. Mr. Rubin worked for Apple from 1989 to 1992. “Google will be a lot more front and center than in previous cases,” said Michael Carrier, a patent expert and law professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey. “Google vs. Apple makes it more of a clash of the titans on the same turf.”
Apple’s list of asserted patents include those for hyperlinking, background syncing of data, Siri’s universal search capabilities, auto-complete, and slide-to-unlock. Samsung justifies that all of these features found on its Galaxy devices are Android features, except for slide-to-unlock functionality. The second trial covers more recent devices such as the Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Tab 10.1, the iPhone 4/4s/5, the iPad 2/3/4, the iPad mini, and fourth and fifth generation iPod touch. After the conclusion of the original patent lawsuit that covered older devices, Samsung was asked to pay Apple $890 million. It was also reported last week that Samsung plans to call Google’s VP of engineering Hiroshi Lockheimer, and Todd Pendleton, Samsung’s marketing chief for its U.S. telecoms division to the stand.