Most of the employees were forced to work for 10 -12 hours in a day and that also without overtime pay. The inside news is all about the developer of Dungeon Defenders that is Trendy Entertainment. This news came up after discussing the formers as well as the current employers of the company. These facts were exposed on an event of Kotaku in which the employees preferred to remain in an anonymous state for a good cause. The employees’ who are forced to work for extra houses will have to do it all seven days in a week.
Moreover, it is not a matter of a few weeks; employees have to suffer from this for an entire year. The sad part of the whole matter, it is simply not a matter of crunch time. Reported instanced have pointed out to even the worst part of the situation. It said that the president of the company, Jeremy Stieglitz have been found to be bullying employees. He has been following a practice of discrimination in the wages. These differences are done on the basis of female employees who are potential in their work and the staffers who are into a habit of threatening verbally.
The president of the company is into a habit of acting in an extreme sexism and there have been extreme managements in the resources of the firm. Employees have also given a statement saying that they are even afraid of requesting for a leave. They have a fear of being fired by the president. One such example of the threatening situation of the employers is that one of the employees missed out a funeral of his cousin. This was because the employee was afraid of asking for a leave with a fear of being fired.
One article has revealed a news that the last few months a have said goodbye to six employees of the company and more are planning to leave. It has been said that are waiting for the release of Dungeon Defenders 2 and walk pout from the company then. This is expected to give a blow to 45 person of the development house. The report reveals a scathing view of the firm.