Dead Rising 3 Moved To Xbox One

Dead Rising 3 moved to Xbox One. As we are well aware that Dead Rising 3 was originally planned to release on Xbox 360.

In a recent interview producer Mike Jones said while developing it on PC, the team realized due to the number of zombies the streaming options it intended to do and the memory budgets for the number of environments and items which was quite a large number for XBOX 360.

By taking the fact that the game is quite larger than any other Dead Rising game their tech team partnered with Microsoft to get early details and figure out how to introduce it on new hardware said Jones. Their main points of focus were:-

  • the size of the world
  • the density of the world
  • seamless streaming.

On asking more he also mentioned about how they build missions in a much larger world like that – how they send you to different districts and how they get you to explore all of the new stuff.

According to Jones ,the tech teams at Capcom Vancouver and Microsoft have been working together to help each other optimize the game and made a statement regarding the same that – They visit us quite often and we’ve been working like the two faces of the same coin. And gave a little detail of a new game for hardware that isn’t completed yet.

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