Apple Ads To Fail

Some never stops from giving opinions, a perfect example can be seen by Bloomberg by calling Apple’s latest ad — the one introducing the line “Designed by Apple in California” was a mere 489.

What is a 489?

Well A 489 is about the level of, oh, a Jay Leno joke or an Ann Taylor dress. Yes, the industry average is 542. So this ad is dancing topless in the Mediocrity Lounge.

Bloomberg is the company that declared Microsoft’s original Surface ads demolished Apple’s work in terms of effectiveness. It claims its respondents suffers that the new ad is both too sad and too long.

To give a pinch of sarcasm a remark was made that Ace Metrix has wonderful metrics. After all, it surveys “at least” 500 people before raising its scorecard like Bruno Tonioli on -Dancing With The Stars.
Now we hear of “the experience of a product.” We hear about a product: “Does it deserve to exist?” is loudly asked from people.

To give an inside of the backstage it was told that this ad was originally conceived without all the we-ing. The voiceover was added at a later stage.

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