Android Police Releases APK Of Moto’s Gesture Based Camera App

The clean gesture-based UI for camera app is a unique selling point for the Moto X ,Droid Ultra and MAXX with gestures like swipe right for the settings, left for the gallery, up /down to zoom; tap to capture, and hold to take multiple shots. Until now this feature was unique only to Moto family, but Android Police recently released APK of gestyre based Cam App which is intalling and working fine on many devices but lacks some functionality like while testing on Nexus 4 running Android 4.2.2 the HDR and slow-motion video recording were disabled, panorama mode crashes and Quick Capture (double-twist your wrist to launch the camera) is not operational.
There is improvement in final results though when compared to stock Android camera but still carry some viewfinder related issues.

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