AMD Assures For No problem On PS4 And Xbox One Supplies

Answering to all the rumours of probable short supplies for upcoming Gaming consoles AMD VP Moshkelani explained that all the chips we designed in concert with the platform holders, based on “very different visions and philosophies.”

“There were different teams that were dedicated to these projects, working with the customer and collaborating with them to develop these chips,”.

Just to remind AMD is the proud supplier of CPU’s for the next-generation of consoles. With the curtain raiser on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U, it’s pretty much clear that AMD done significant amount of effort for capturing gaming console market.

“It is a very, very proud moment,” replied Moshkelani when asked about AMD’s future in upcoming times. “They are very complex projects, very complex designs, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It has been a journey of over two years in development to get to today.”

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both feature custom AMD Jaguar SoC’s at their core, while the Nintendo Wii U has an AMD Radeon graphics processor mated with an IBM PowerPC CPU.

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