Oro Platform

How To Create A Business Application In Data Grid – ORO Platform

Creating A Business Application In Data Grid

Any idea how hard and risky it can be to make an Open-Source project? Well, even we don’t expect most of the viewers to know, cause otherwise there would be no point of us.

This article is to share how Symfony2 framework has easily been our best decision to work on OroCRM. It has a user friendly interface, along with data grids, filters, grouping and sorting of data, entity manipulations through workflows. If you haven’t used it yet, get ready to change your working process.

And believe me, developing custom business applications has never been this easy. We are going to tell you how to develop a business application using ORO platform built using the Symfony2 framework.

But before that, you should probably find out a bit about Oro itself. Here is a small introduction to ORO platform and it’s Symfony2 framework.

ORO Platform

ORO Platform is an open-source Business Application Platform. It offers the developers the exact business application they have been looking for by combining the tools they need. Built in PHP5 and Symphony2 Framework, ORO is flexible and makes applications customizable.


Where To Use ORO Platform?

Both sales and marketing tools are built in Oro. Any of the following kind of applications and softwares are built using ORO Platform:

  1. Intranet applications
  2. Ticketing system
  3. Call-Center Management
  4. Order Management

where-to-use-oro (1)


Platform is a package that requires an application to run it. A platform-application is an example of such application which simplifies initial project setup and configuration. Please follow the installation instructions here.

oro inst

Data Grid

A data grid is an architecture or set of services that gives individuals or groups of users the power to access, modify and transfer huge amounts of data for purposes of research. Micro Finance India(MFI), is a business tool for of  developed using ORO platform.


How To Create A Datagrid In Resources

Check out the simple steps of creating data grid in the database. This can be done by following the pseudo code below.


Create datagrid.yml in Resources->config->datagrid.yml

            type: orm
                    - g.id
                    - g.name as MembersName
                    - l.loanStatus as LoanStatus
                   - m.contactNo as ContactNo
                   - mg.groupName as GroupName
                    - { table: GroupBundle:MemberDetails, alias: g }
                        - { join: g.loan, alias: l }
                        - { join: g.members, alias: m }
                        - { join: m.group,alias:mg}
                 label: Group Name
                label: Name
                label: Contact No
              label: Loan Status


In the above pseudo code, the data grid yml table is stored in the group bundle > resource > configure.

First the DataGrid cells, or columns are created to display for each data record i.e. grid name which is the datagrid name, example Webmuch groups. Query is the action that we want to perform on the table or the bundle name by aliasing the Entities, and retrieving all the members.  select: g – is to return the result set in vertical format, JOIN is used to retrieve data from the linked tables. Columns are the datagrid layout.

Without the frontend type datetime attribute the date will not be displayed. In each column, we are using different queries i.e. group identification, group name, frontend is used to display the date, time/render data date type. Frontend is used to render data.

What Filters And Sorters Do In Datagrid


To filter items in a Datagrid, you create a method that provides the filtering logic and then you use the PagedCollectionView. Filter property to apply the filter. To filter items in a Datagrid, create a method that provides the filtering logic. The method is used as a callback and accepts a parameter of type Object. Remove the filter by setting the PagedCollectionView. Filter property to null, the filter is used when the CheckBox is Checked, and removes it when the Checkbox is Unchecked.


To specify how items are sorted in a DataGrid, you use the SortDescription type to sort the items in the source view.


To Sort Items In A Datagrid

Create a SortDescription and pass the name of the property to sort by to the constructor. Add additional instances of SortDescription to the PagedCollectionView.SortDescriptions collection to sort by additional properties. Here is an example which use some methods of filters and sorters:

                MembersName: { data_name: g.name }
                GroupName:  { data_name:  GroupName }
                LoanStatus: { data_name:  LoanStatus } 
                    type:      string
                    data_name: g.name
                    type:      string
                    data_name: ContactNo
                    type:      string
                    data_name: GroupName
                LoanStatus :
                      type : string
                      data_name: LoanStatus
            entityHint: memberdetail
                csv: { label: oro.grid.export.csv }



In action field as you can see the data below, data grid using the viewing data, editing data, deleting data, updating, etc. param id:- you have to pass parameter in every root.acl_resource: In this, a particular user can access this field. Navigate helps to add the buttons in datagrid. In action property view, update, edit and delete is performed on the icon and link of the groups or on the parameter’s id. A row action is an action performed on the current row. It’s represented by a route to a controller with the identifier of the row. Row actions are all put in the same new action column at the last position of the grid.

filter action-oro

            id: ~
                type:       url
                route:      memberdetails_edit
                params:     [ id ]
                type:       url
                route:      memberdetails_show
                params:     [ id ]
                type:       url
                route:      memberdetails_delete
                params:     [ id ]
                type:       url
                route:      eligibilitydetails_new
                params:     [ id ]
                 type:       url
                 route:      memberloan_list
                 params:     [ id ]
              type: url
              route:  loansanctioned
              params:    [id]
              type: url
              route:  loandisbursement
              params:    [id]
                type:          navigate
                label:         Update
                icon:          edit
                link:          update_link
                acl_resource:  memberdetails_edit
                type: navigate
                label: View
                icon:  user
                link: view_link
                rowAction: true
                acl_resource:  memberdetails_show
                type: navigate
                label: Delete
                icon: trash
                link: delete_link
                acl_resource:  memberdetails_delete
                type: navigate
                label: Loans
                icon:  list
                link:  loan_link
                acl_resource:  memberdetails_loanlist
                type: navigate
                label: Loan Approval
                icon:   ok
                link:  approval_link
                type: navigate
                label: Loan Disbursal
                icon:  thumbs-up
                link: disbursal_link


Next is how we Export File in CSV from the datagrid.

entityHint: member
csv: { label: oro.grid.export.csv }


This method creates a download button through CSV report for the datagrid and provide an option for the user to download the datagrid file in an excel sheet.

Datagrid in Twig file

Twig uses a central object called the environment (of class Twig_Environment). Instances of this class are used to store the configuration and extensions, and are used to load templates from the file system or other locations.


In the code given below:

First we import and extend the ORO functionality, then you give the grid name and page title. With the help of grid name, it will map datagrid from datagrid.yml. Call and render is used to set the grid name and in “set gridname= ‘your data gridname” this is use to render.

Block navButton= to add button in the table.

{% extends 'OroUIBundle:actions:index.html.twig' %}
{% import 'OroUIBundle::macros.html.twig' as UI %}
{% import 'OroDataGridBundle::macros.html.twig' as dataGrid %}
{% set gridName = 'your datagrid name' %}
{% set pageTitle = 'Groups'|trans %}
{% block navButtons %}
{{ UI.addButton({
'path' : path('groups_new'),
'entity_label': 'Group'|trans
}) }}
{% endblock %}


Well then, that’s about it. Let us know if you liked this tutorial. For queries, feel free to comment below.







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