We’ve all read those few, unbelievably insulting comments on popular YouTube videos. They make you cringe, they make you wonder about the future of humanity, and they’re about to disappear.
Well, not disappear completely, but they’re going to be less in number since YouTube’s decided to do something about this issue. First, the featured comments. Instead of featuring odd comments posted by random people, it’ll feature comments posted by the creator of the video, your friends or popular YouTubers. The site is also going to introduce ‘Threads’ so now, you won’t have to go through the whole section just read one particular conversation.
Then there’s a new conversation platform, and it’s actually being introduced by Google+. Some people are afraid of posting comments because they don’t want to be targeted by other users, so with this feature you can choose if you want your comment to be seen by everyone, or just people within your circles. Also, if you share a YouTube video on Google+ and people comment on it, those comments will show up on YouTube. If they’re against that, they can have their comment show up only on Google+ or only on YouTube. YouTube is also bringing in a Filters feature, where video creators can add keywords to a Blacklist and if there are any comments that have those particular words, they’re added to a section where the creator can go and approve them if he/she wants to.