The Yahoo’s mail service was closed down after a four month’s warning. The users were requested to transfer their details in another site, Alibaba’s Alimail. The gradual closing of service was due to the country’s largest internet company Alibaba’s capturing of stake.
Initially during January, China had its music service stopped due to some strategies in the products. And, recently, it was yahoo’s mail service which faced the closure. Alibaba is planning to make all the mail service under them, but still people can opt for other email service available in the country, like QQ mail, Neteases 163 mail etc…
After a company from Sunnyvale gave money for 40% share with Alibaba during 2005, it has grown since then. Alibaba started to rule the internet service in China and soon it became the top e-commerce market. Alibaba ended its stake with Yahoo and a small portion of Yahoo can be accessed by the public for the two years. It is reported that Yahoo is no more a search engine for China and it is quite struggling out there.
Sunnyvale oriented company is planning to make investments in China through Alibaba and meantime, Yahoo is trying to bounce back through a Beijing based, Ztelic.