“We see big companies being more conservative”- President Of Sony Worldwide Studios

The President of Sony Worldwide Studios, and the leader of PlayStation 4 games, discussed the console and independent developers recently. Shuhei Yoshida stated that this time, the company decided to give more importance to individual and independent developers, because all the other companies are being conservative.

“We see big companies being more conservative, not providing fresh and exciting enough content any more,” he said.

“It’s the small guys coming up with amazing stuff and pushing the industry forward,” he continued. “Last year was really the year of the indies, with Journey and The Walking Dead sweeping the awards. We wanted to make the PS4 platform easier for them to self-publish.”

It’s not news that Xbox One is not going to support independent developers (at least, at launch), and the devs need to be tied to a company to get their games published- something that (understandably) didn’t get a positive response from devs and gamers alike.

“It’s important to us that independent developers get monetised and recognised,” Yoshida said. “Many of them are not students but veterans who used to work in large studios and want to make something for themselves. It’s a big focus for us.”

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