Update Your PS3 System With The New Firmware Released By Sony

The update for a new firmware has been released by Sony for the PS3 system. This is excluding the issues that have rendered the consoles to be inoperable in the previous week. If your PlayStation 3 has frozen up unfortunately, have a look at the manual to fix it up. If you are unfortunate to be effected by the perfidy of firmware 4.45, there is no need to despair. The fix is to be kept on hand. You will know because the console will not be loaded on XMB.

You do not have to do anything more than that. The updated new firmware is to be downloaded through a browser. You can later on use a USB device to save it. You have the opportunity to grab the new version of firmware that is 4.46. This can be easily done if the console is started using a safe mode. You can also use the USB device and install the new version form there. Your system can be easily updated with the help of this.

The guide is also available in order to give the full instruction and you will be able to arcana a few surrounding steps. It will be available as a normal update for the system for most of the people. The reports of the bricked consoles came up very soon after the release of the new update for firmware. It was since then that the firmware has been pulled up. They have been waiting for more and more information and the actions that will be affecting these.

Gematsu said that the update has also allowed turning off trophy notifications. This can be easily done by the Settings menu of the system. The maker of PlayStation, Sony issued a statement to the Euro gamer regarding this matter. They are completely aware of the reports regarding the recent update of the software of PlayStation 3. This prevented the XMB from being displayed on smaller systems of PlayStation 3. The 4.45 firmware have been taken off on a temporary basis. The real cause of the problems is being investigated.

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