The parse service of the world’s largest social network, Facebook, is now getting ready for announcing its recent decision of increasing the power of applications by 1,00,000 count which is an increase of almost 25% of the existing one. The end of April this year has highly recorded the purchase of 2 year old parse by Facebook with $85 million which will serve as the back-end service provider to the mobile app makers.
This ongoing business strategy is done in order to inspire the app developers to incorporate Facebook into their developed apps. But it has been estimated that the current deal is really very scary for both the new and existing customers of Facebook who is with this thought that now onwards Facebook will exercise its power for becoming the sole landlord of all their personal data. But this view of the customers has totally been discarded by the CEO Ilya Sukhar and co-founder of Parse in the conversation at CNET.
They believe that the monthly numbers of newly Parse powered of 20,000 apps themselves will speak of their own utilities. Sukhar also came to know that the app developers are rather more comfortable in building apps on Parse as they believe that the app hosting on Parse will stay for a longer period of time. Currently, Milestone has announced the Blog post writing, written by Sukhar where it has been clearly revealed regarding their excellent growth in the last month in comparison to the growth of their first year of existence.
At the Apple’s worldwide developer conference Facebook revealed it’s decision of selling it’s 1,00,000 developed applications to the attending developers in that conference. Last year, it has been reported about the hosting of WWDC by Parse meeting up at a free space. The recent pleasure update by Sukhar’s joke reveals that on Wednesday evening, Parse will be stationed at the W San Francisco hotel with Facebook footing the bill this year.