Thor: The Dark World Will Have Tom Hiddleston As Loki

Tom Hiddleston is interested in reprising the role of Loki in Marvel Studios’s Thor: The Dark World which is expected to come in November 8.

“It’s a roller coaster, no question,” Hiddleston said.”It’s full of ups and downs and loop-de-loops and twists and turns. It will take you to places you haven’t seen before.”

There should be a Team up between Loki and his brother to take on Malekith the Accursed leader of the Dark Elves. “They have an ancient, ancient grudge against Asgard and against the reign of Odin, and they’re back.”

But Loki will remain a thorn in Thor’s side. “There is very complicated relationship between Loki and Thor”. Hiddleston added, “He is an agent of chaos without equal in the world he inhabits. He knows his true nature. He knows he doesn’t belong in the family of Asgard, and he’s locked away in the beginning of the film in the deepest, darkest recesses of the dungeon as public enemy number one.”

Joss Whedon said that we will not be seeing Loki in Avengers:Age of Ultron.”I do feel like there’s some unfinished business between Loki and the Hulk,” he said.

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