Teen Shot Dead Over Wii U Remote Being Mistaken for a Gun

Police claim that 17 year-old Christopher Roupe was shot and killed as he answered the door pointing a gun. Everybody except the Police (the eyewitnesses) say he opened the door holding a Wii U Remote and not a gun.

Roupe was shot and killed last Friday night when the Police had arrived to serve his father a probation infraction warrant. He opened the door and was shot in the chest after Police found him pointing gun towards them, which others believe is a totally false allegation.

Police say he was holding a gun and the Roupe family’s lawyer completely disagrees. “We do not know where this statement just came out from”, he told a local TV channel. “The eyewitnesses on the scene clearly know that he had a Wii controller in his hand and not a gun. He heard a knock at the door. He asked who it was, there was no response therefore he opened the door and upon opening the door he was straightaway shot in the chest.”

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