T-Mobile iPhone 5 First Day Sales Were Successful

The T-Mobile iPhone 5 went on sale today, and after all the hype the announcement caused, it seems that the T-Mobile iPhone 5 first day sales were pretty much successful. Chief Marketing Officer Mike Sievert said to AllThingsD, “Today has been gangbusters for T-Mobile.” He also said that there were lines of customers outside nearly every T-Mobile store, all 3,000 of them.

T-Mobile has some very convenient offers, like the trade-in one, in which you can trade-in your old iPhone 4 or 4s for a brand new iPhone 5 without having to pay any up front fee, with only $100 down payment. Or, without having to switch to T-Mobile, through it’s ‘uncarrier’ service, you can buy a 16GB iPhone 5 for only $99 up front fee, with additional payments of $20 per month.

Hopefully, this will be the silver lining to T-Mobile’s dark clouds, which would be it’s most recent earnings. The total revenue decreased by 5.2 percent year-over-year, and the operating income decreased by about 25 percent in the same amount of time.

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