Skype For BlackBerry 10 Available Now

Skype for BlackBerry 10 is now available, but only for the Q10 right now. And that means that not everyone will have it, since the Q10 will begin shipping only on 1st May. It was announced around two months back that it will support this platform.

The app has been built to be compatible to the Q10’s screen, and it will automatically sync with the phone book and import Skype contacts. The system also supports the BlackBerry Hub, which displays all the notifications, chat requests, messages, file transfers in the unified interactions app.

A few months back, Skype declared that it’s Blackberry 10 app is not going to be native to the platform, and chose to develop a port of it’s Android app. The company also mentioned in a blog post that “app experiences are not yet final” and apparently the app is still a bit slow. It’s been developed for the Blackberry 10.1 update, and will have a few improvements relating to camera, notifications and contact. Skype for BlackBerry Q10 will be available at launch, and the Z10 owners are going to have to wait till the update comes for their devices.

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