An English adolescent boy Peter Clatworthy created some terribly unhealthy selections during an Xbox One auction on eBay, paying £450 (USD$735) and not even getting a console. He just got a picture of a console. The 19-year-old student told the Nottingham Post that he’d saved up the cash in order that he may purchase the console as a surprise Christmas present for his four year-old son (surprising!! Though. Instead, he got a picture that wasn’t even an honest picture! Simply a tinny print-out. Despite the listing stating it absolutely was a photograph of an Xbox One’s Day One edition console, Mr Clatworthy aforesaid he’d expected to receive the console because it was listed within the video games and consoles class on eBay. He instead received the picture in the post on Mon, with it having ‘thank you for your purchase’ written on the rear of it.