Samsung Forecasted A Jump In The Profits Of The First Quarter

According to the forecasts of the Korean electronics company Samsung, their profit is going to take a 53% leap in the first quarter of the current year. The huge growth in the sales of Smartphones is marked as the reason for this glowing performance. The operating profit is expected to be of 8.7tn won for the three months, a jump from the 5.7tn won, last year.


With the Galaxy range of smartphones, Samsung has gained massive success. It has been estimated that the profit is going to swell even more with the latest Galaxy S4 that is scheduled to be launched by the end of the month. According to Seo Won-seok, working with Korea Investment & Securities as an analyst, 22 million copies of the smartphone Galaxy S4 alone is expected to be sold in the second quarter of the year, and adding the sale of the other smartphones with it, the profit will certainly reach the height. The huge sale of the Samsung smartphones has helped the company to cover the losses in other sectors, due to some unfavourable circumstances in the market, and it is going to extend the growth to a new level with the launch of the Galaxy S4 series.

The smartphone Galaxy S3 from Samsung, launched in the month of May, last year was highly regarded by consumers and the critics. It owns some excellent features like the eye-tracking ability, wireless charging option and SVoice (intelligent personal assistance). This smartphone posed a serious competition to the iPhone 5 from the kitchen of the other tech giant Apple. The growing sale of the Galaxy range has displaced Apple from the position of the biggest smartphone producer, in the last year.

As per the expectations of Mr.Won-seok the total earning of the tech giant will hit the 10th won bar in the quarter extending April to June. The launch of the latest smartphone Galaxy S4 coupled with the improvement in the memory chip market is expected to boost this growth. It is to be noted that Samsung is the also world leader in the memory chip market. The final quarterly report of the company is going to come on 26th of April.

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