Robot Women Tells If Your Breath Stinks

With the newest development in robotics, it has extended a hand of help towards the society in a witty way. If your breath stinks or it is your socks that are keeping your colleagues away from your cabin, the two straight forward robots will do the job of telling you directly to better clean or change it.

Crazy Labo and Takashi Takimoto of Kitakyushu National College of Technology in Fukuoka Prefecture have come up with their unique female humanoid and a dog robot that smells the breath and feet of a person and gives plain remarks and exaggerated reactions to make the person feel guilty so that they immediately do something about their body odour.

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The female robot named as Kaori Chan, flaunts brown hair with blue eyes. Once a person breathes on her face she analyses and quantifies the components in the breath and evaluates it in the scale of 4. If the breath smells good enough, she comes out with a nice comment; the more stinking the breath is the comments goes on being much harsher. This female robot is capable of quantifying the strength of two odour components that help her to judge the level of smell.

The dog robot, which is named Shunatro-kun, is capable of assessing the amount of feet odour. It plays Beethoven’s music in the background while sniffing your feet. Depending on the range of the odour the dog either barks or comes close to the person. In extreme case, the dog passes out, which simply means your feet odour is enough to kill even a dog.

For Crazy Labo, the basic inspiration behind creating the robots was to develop something that can make people laugh. The other developer, Takashi Takimoto, an associate professor of the mechanical engineering department at the Kitakyushu National College of Technology, and his students have collected samples of odour for training the two robots over the 3 months span of the research. The role of the ten male students, who consumed foul smelling foods such as fermented soybeans and garlic and have sported socks that have not been washed for days, to calibrate the two robots, cannot be discounted.

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