Facebook has got Like button while Twitter users were just marginalised to a retweet option. That brings the retweeted post as their own tweet in their feed and profile. This things gets little weird while handling some risky stuff, and moreover it’s doesn’t cater fully to its original motive of letting the Original guy who tweeted of the User’s appraisal.
But now after the addition of ‘favoriting’ things have changed a lot and favoriting a tweet has been the most trending way on Twitter. The popularity of this feature can be judged by the fact that favourite button has been clicked around 1.6 billion times in May.
Favoriting allows users to mark the tweet with a star icon tweets they find amusing or useful and register their appreciation along with tagging it for their free time recollection while things are not shown on their own streams.
The rise in ‘favoriting’ is more due to the fact that people now can silently add their approval or appreciation rather that retweeting the tweets that might be controversial or risky.
With favoriting now there are more favourite tags than retweets or replies on tweets be it humourous or sarcastic.