Print Your Own Ouya 3D Case Gaming Console

Ouya, the Android powered game console is offering users the choice of 3D printing their own Ouya console cases, in wake of the company’s partnership with MarketBot, a 3D printing company. The Ouya 3D case is and will be a bit hit amongst the Android open source gamers.

The tiny gaming console, which is the size of a Rubik’s Cube, let’s you play all the Android games and costs just $99. The game console is already very popular among open source gamers.

Users can go ahead and log on to MarketBot’s website The website has all the specifications and templates for the gaming console and you just need to choose how you want your console to look. The template allows you to customize your case, lid and spring loaded button.

Ouya is one of the coolest ways to get started with Android open source gaming and it also let’s you play the games for free before actually buying them.

Since the device is small and sturdy, it can be taken anywhere easily. The handy, portable and flexible nature of the console allows you to carry it wherever you want to. And since the device is based on open source, you have the option to choose the games you want to play before paying for them.

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