Pornography Images Of Children To Be Totally Removed From The Database Of Google

Google had made plans and announced to remove the pornography images of children. This is expected to happen during the coming weekend. It has been reported by telegraph that this program will become operation within 1 year. This operation will also allow the search engines along with other web countries to remove the information related to the children’s images that are raped or abused.

There are some of the pictures that have been flagged as inappropriate usually by the companies who are into the task of child protection. Plans are being made by the company that says that such websites will be totally removed from the Google database. An example of one such company is the ‘Internet Watch Foundation’. It is quite difficult at the moment to remove the earmarked or flagged images from the database of the web standards. This program is quote significant because it will enhance the transparency between different types of search engines.

It is also expected that it will increase the keep of the process to track down and to remove such images universally. The company has plans to create a global database that will have an industry wide standard. The database will have hashed images overall that will be helping these technological companies to find the images.

There were also some additional comments that made Mashable to reach out to the search engine Google. In spite of this there were no signs of receiving the immediate responses. It has also been reported to telegraph that Google has planned to set up a $2 million fund that will be available to the independent software developers.

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