Some important information for the Pinterest users, information or caution whichever way you would like to take it. Jontsai, the hacker, has claimed to have accessed the administration account of the social networking site, Pinterest. He claimed that the interface did not seem to store passwords in the encrypted form, and he was able to find the emails, usernames and even the passwords written in the simple text format.
In his version, while trying to migrate a Nagios monitoring server that needs releasing of Elastic IP, his browser page happened to be filled with some other information that was not fed by him. A misjudgment at the part of Pinterest admin server had made it to associate with the released IP, and this enabled Jontsai, to view the details of the admin page. As a proof to his claim, he has posted a screen shot of the Pinterest admin page in his website. He also added that he has saved around 37 email details and passwords which he did not reveal in the site. He has tested the passwords and have successfully logged into two of the accounts that he tried. But according to him the accounts in the admin interface seem to be fake ones as most of the emails were from the same domain.
He has mentioned a few lines of caution for Pinterest authority in his post and also has written about informing the concerned authority through which ever ways possible. Jontsai says he rather stumbled upon the admin page of the server, rather hacking it, and this proves the lack of security with their server; it did not use any Firewall which is a must in these cases.
Security issues have always been an eminent concern in the world of Web. Hackers claimed to have accessed different high security servers across the world, and with every new security threat the process to ensure the safety has been tightened. But if the claims of Jontsai, are to be taken as true, the back laid attitude of the Pinterest administration in the matter of security is undoubtedly a poor example, which sets a set of caution for all the networking sites, as well.