Paul Lambert Looks At The Positives After Loss Against Liverpool

Paul Lambert, manager of Aston villa, reinstates that he takes pride in the manner his team played in their second game of the Premier League. Although this was their second defeat is as many games, Lambert believes that the process is much more important than the result. And, Aston Villa can only improve in their coming games. Their match against Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool was one of their most difficult starts in the season. Despite the above mentioned fact, they managed a decent three points.

“I always knew that it would be a difficult thing to play three top teams continuously. I am pleased with the effort of my team”, says Lambert.

Daniel Strurridge cam played an important role in Liverpool’s previous match. He scored their winning goal as he easily skipped two defenders for a neat shot past the Potters’ net. The Potter’s produced a much better performance in the second half by shooting 17 times on the target, as compared to Liverpool’s count of 5. Liverpool’s new entrant,

Simon Mignolet made two astounding saves, which were potentially match-saving, and ensured that their team obtained all the three points from the game.

After the previous two games, Lambert knew that he had a tough task in front of him. He expected an inimical reaction from the fans. Lambert feels that he can take a lot of positives after this game and would be a much better outfit in their next encounter. He has nothing but appreciation for his team, and believes this season has a lot in store for Aston Villa. “At the end of the game, I wouldn’t say that we were left dejected and disappointed. In fact, we had plenty of chances and I believe that we dominated the second half completely.” voices Lambert.

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