“I Owe My Life To My Wife”- Luis Suarez

‘My future wife was my catalyst and motivation in my world of football’ says Luis Suarez. His wife Sofia gave him the first push in club Nacinol. He has been a topic of controversy throughout his career and now he returns after a ten –match suspension. Off and on, he has been banned for racial abuse, mis-behaviour and what not. Suarez was diffident about becoming a pro and thought he would remain only a player.

Suarez entered into the world of football at the tender age of 9 in into Nacinol and had issues on his behavior there too. Every time, he had Sofia behind him urging him to perform and fall in line. She supported him when he went through the agony of his parents’ separation and at every step when he wanted to quit, she encouraged him each time.

In the Guardian and Vamos and Vamos, he has mentioned how his rebellious nature was backfiring his passion and didn’t let him go forward. But Sofia prodded him to realise his potential and fight against his laziness and sudden disinterest. He began to score goals and almost broke the Nacinol youth record with 63 goals in his kitty. He made his debut in 2005 with Nacinol and then moved over to the Dutch.

Suarez claims he is a go-getter and is obsessed with the game and now plays with a fighting spirit. He owes it all to his wife.

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