Now Food-Themed Search Engine Hits The Web

Burpple which was first launched in Singapore has made tremendous advancements from being a mobile-only food-themed photo sharing app to launch on the Web as a food search engine, which had been possible via collaborations with restaurants and other eating firms.

Burpple has named its new food engine as ‘Social Food Guide’which promises the users to search and browse more than 700,000 dishes and 6,000 restaurants, cafes and hawkers.

Wondering from where does the idea originated?
Well Its concept is simple — aggregating all these separate pieces of information into categories and rolling them out on the Web.

What users will realize that Social food guide is just a ore mature form of something Burpple has called Social Menus.

These act just like the starred dishes on a restaurant’s menu — basically, users get to see at a glance the most popular dishes that have been recommended by fellow Burpple users and can make their decisions based on that.

This is where the whole concept of the idea lies in. By allowing merchants to take control of their own pages, a Burpple page can easily replace the homepages of restaurants. As of now, Burpple is working with 120 restaurants, with about 20 percent of them paying for more tools to tweak their pages.

Burpple co-founder Dixon Chan told TNW that Burpple is not profitable yet but he hopes to bring on enough paying restaurants to break even, possibly by the end of this year. The new branch of Burpple’s business is primarily to help social discovery and in the midst of this process, find restaurants willing to pay to make their pages even more detailed.

Burpple has made a series of advancements from 2012 as In December last year, it added photo filters and shortly after that in January it enabled offline uploads via its iOS app. In February, Burpple has finally entered Android world too.

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