Now Add To The Map Of The UK With Map Maker

Finally, Google is going to add the UK in its Map Maker. Launched in 2008 as a browser based service, the software allowed users to add places in the maps of Vietnam, Pakistan and a few other countries. With time the facility was extended to other parts of the world including, Australia, France and the US. Google was late to bring the same service to the UK because of the technical obstacles regarding the merge of the existing data with the software. The new addition has already undergone trial in Britain and going to be added soon with the Map Maker.

The interesting thing about the whole story is that, the announcement at the part of Google came at a time when the tech giants like Nokia and Apple are investing profoundly to develop their free-to-use mapping products. According to the experts, this feature can be extremely profitable in the future if companies can add location dependent advertisements to the map, or promote services that are specific to the situation, but at present, there is hardly any hope of financial gain from this project apart from adding significant value to the brand name. Nancy Pfund approved that the present Map Maker is not well capable to work on the mobile handsets; its use is recommended only on PCs.

Nokia is undergoing the testing phase of the beta version of their browser based mapping software and Apple is also on the way and promises to improve as the users will start using the application. The top position of Goggle as the map data provider is secured for now, but it is sure to face stiff competition from the other giants. According to the consumer devices analyst Carolina Milanesi, Google has to keep on updating every way to hold their position at number one as the market will not be a free run any more.

The Map Maker from Google, allow users to add places, buildings, business, vegetation and other details to its maps of the different countries. Before these suggestions, additions and alterations go live on Map Maker they are reviewed by users and scrutinized by the Google staffs. Only after proper confirmation they are updated to the application.

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