Nicole Kidman Producing And Starring In A Novel Adaptation

Apparently, Nicole Kidman has been spending her time on the sets browsing books which she thinks would make good film adaptation. She finally decided on the A.S.A. Harrison’s “The Silent Wife” as a possible future project.

Meet Jodi and Todd. They live in a spacious Chicago home. She works as a part-time psychologist working from her house, and he is a renovation expert and developer who makes sufficient money to provide them with an affluent lifestyle. They haven’t been married yet, but have been living together for around twenty years. Their life has become an emotionally happy routine of obligations and expectations.

They are childless, and hence they have enough time to pursue their interests. Jodi plays the perfect domestic woman, taking care of Todd and Todd loves to be pampered. Jodi has her occasional spa visits as well. Meanwhile, Todd loves having sex with other woman, and is sure that his partner would approve of his activities. This is their routine. They live their life in perfect balance.

The book’s plot alternates between two characters’ viewpoints. The balance would shatter and their relationship would break. The book became a huge bestseller. This drew comparisons to Gone Girl, but this was touched by tragedy when Harrison died before seeing his book being published.

The idea of converting the novel into the movie struck the producers only recently. So, there is no writer or a director attached to it yet. Kidman has “The Railway man” set for release on New Year’s day, followed by “Grace of Monaco” at some point in 2014. She might play Gertrude Bell in “Queen of Desert”.

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