Welcome Yahoo’s new logo. Yahoo finally revealed its winner tonight, after changing its purple word mark every day for the past month. It is an attempt from CEO Marissa Mayer to bring in some fresh visual attention into the esteemed tech brand and also keeping the well-known colour and exclamation point.
It has claimed to be a big year so far, as the logos of top tech companies as Motorola, Microsoft, and eBay have all introduced new looks in this year. Recently, even YouTube began using a different logo for its apps. The CEO at Yahoo, Marissa Mayer just posted a behind-the-scenes look at exactly what went into the company’s rebranding.
Actually, Mayer herself took up a pivotal role, and worked with Yahoo’s design team and interns to design the new logo over the course of a single weekend. To this she states that, although she is not a pro, she knows enough to be risky. When asked about Adobe Illustrator know-how she claims that they knew they wanted a logo that mirrored Yahoo as sophisticate, yet a whimsical site. Reports claim that Mayer went into great details on various decisions which led to the concluding design that included font weight and an deliberate lack of straight lines, in order to conserve the feel of Yahoo’s now former logo.
Company employees were polled for suggestions, before the design process began with 87 percent expressing support for a refurbished brand. Reportedly, Yahoo toyed with the plan of stirring to an all-lowercase logo. But to this, Mayer responded that, in the end they felt that the logo was most decipherable when it was all uppercase, particularly on small screens.
A video (above) was put together by Yahoo to show off the structure of the new logo, and they have created a GIF that shows all the logos of the past 30 days. However, if one is interested in design opinions and a bit of the back-story leading up to a new design, be sure to head over to AdAge.