Confirmed Titles
EA has confirmed that NBA Live 14, Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14, and EA Sports UFC will be there on Xbox One, and Activision has confirmed Call of Duty: Ghosts as well, both promising Xbox One exclusive DLC.
Other confirmed titles are:
-Battlefield 4
-Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
-Watch Dogs
-Quantum Break
-Forza 5
-Bungie’s Destiny
When they announced that the games will be installed on the console’s hard drive automatically, it was a pleasant surprise. But the installation is compulsory. And the game will be connected to the user’s Xbox Live account. For those who are used to borrowing games from their friends, and are planning on borrowing them to install them on the console: there will be a fee. Even if you install a pre-owned disc, you will have to pay for it.
But Microsoft has also made things easier for players, because they will be allowed to trade-in or resell the games. The Xbox One is not an online only console; you will have the option to play offline as well.
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